
Thursday, June 26, 2014

Here's to a year

As of Sunday I've been a wife for a whole year, and what a year it's been. It's been a year of way more ups than downs. A year where I've learned a lot about myself and even more about marriage. It's been the most fun and challenging year and I can't wait for so many more!

 Here's a few highlights of what I've learned over this past year:

1. For us, God comes first always. Putting Him at the center of our marriage makes it all worth it.

2. Everyday I have to make a choice whether or not I'll let small stuff bother me. Some days I make the right choice and other days I don't. 

3. Advice from other married couple is great and super helpful. However, it's also important to remember that what works for one couple may not work for us. There isn't one perfect path for everyone you just gotta make your own way.

4. The first year of marriage isn't the best or worst. It's just the 1st. There's lots of learning and growing going on, but you get to do it together so it's okay.

5. It's okay to go to bed mad as long as you make up in the morning. I've learned I can be more rational in the morning than I was the night before.

6. Living with a boy is fun :) 

7. Being a wife is hard, easy, and fun all at the same time. Thus far it's best role I've ever played.

8. I married a patient, loving, selfless, hard working man, and I love him more everyday.

Thank you James for this past year. Thanks for sticking by me when I'm being "challenging" and supporting me always. I love being on this journey with you and can't wait to see where we go.

Stay turned next week for a post all about anniversary trip!

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  1. Beautiful wedding photos! Looks like a gorgeous venue as well. Happy anniversary!

  2. Good gracias what a beautiful day you two had! Happy 1 year! Time flies! :) xoxo

  3. What a gorgeous wedding!! Happy anniversary!!

  4. Love all of thse pictures! So beautiful! Happy 1st Anniversary!

  5. Happy Be-lated anniversary to a sweet couple! :)

  6. I love all this SO MUCH!! 1, 4, 5, and 6 the most!!! I smiled the most at # 6, LIVING WITH A BOY IS A WHOLE LOT OF FUN!! :)


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