Friday, November 22, 2013

5 on Friday, Vol. 9

After a crazy week I'm so happy it's Friday! Time to linkup for my favorite post of the week with the lovely Darci, April, Christina, and Natasha.

{O N E}

New blog name!
While I'm loving the new name it has affected followers. Readers have had to re-follow on both Google and Bloglovin'. If this is the case for you I hope you continue following along on!!
Follow on Bloglovin

{T W O}

This pie. Y'all Monday was bad. One of those days where everything went wrong and it just kept getting worse. The husband knew I was struggling {I may have called him 3 or 4 times crying}, so when I got home he had this waiting for me. He's knows me so well. I'm convinced salt goes with caramel like peanut butter goes with chocolate. It just works.

{T H R E E}

Bar Method! Technically this isn't happening until next week, but I'm so excited I can't stand it! I did Bar Method for a few months to help get into wedding shape. After my first class I was hooked! Sadly, Bar Method no longer fits in the budget so I've had to stop. I miss it everyday and haven't even come close to finding a workout routine I love nearly as much.
Monday they are having a free class and I can't even express how pumped I am to go. As if that wasn't good enough my first friend Cara is coming in from Dallas for Thanksgiving and she is joining me!!
Doesn't get any better than first friend Bar Method dates!!
Just a little thigh work before walking down the aisle!

{F O U R}

This dinner. I made this Chicken Taco Quinoa Salad for dinner earlier this week and it was yummy! I'm planning on posting the recipe next week. So good and so easy. Just my kind of dinner!

{F I V E}

Sis and Micah's wedding pictures have been posted and they are insanely gorgeous!!!
Amy Arrington Photography

Happy Weekend!!

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  1. I loved the Bar Method before our wedding too and I haven't done a class since!! Now I need to see if there are any free classes around here too!! Have a great weekend :)

  2. girl i cannot wait for that recipe!!!!!!!!!!!!! YUM YUM YUM!

  3. Loving your new blog name!!!! Those pies are one of our favs too!!! Well, I guess anything with chocolate is my favorite!! ;) You MUST try their Key Lime pie as well! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Wow can't wait to try the recipe! Never had it!!

  5. OMG that pie looks amazing!! I've heard the bar method is fantastic! Painful but worth it!

  6. Seriously, how cute is your blog name! I'm obsessed. And I've heard so many great things about bar....maybe I need to check it out!

  7. Cute blog name! I'm glad I was able to find it...always love your posts!

  8. That taco salad looks SO dang good. And that pie. Girl, why are you trying to make me eat more than I'm supposed to?!

  9. I love the new name! I've always wanted to try the bar method, but I guess that will never happen being in a small town.

  10. I LOVE your new blog name - it's so great! I have to look into the Bar Method too. Happy Friday :)

  11. LOVE your title! It's perect :)
    I've been DYING to try the Bar Method but they don't even offer that class in this dumb little town I'm living in. UGH!
    That pie? Holy freakin' HEAVEN! I will be trying it asap!
    And I'm dying for your recipe. If you remember, will you email me when the link is up? Next week will be crazy and I'm afraid I'll miss it!

  12. That pie!! Oh myyy looks so good! Have you looked at barre3 online? They have options as low as $15/month for unlimited online classes of different lengths!

  13. Love the new name! I've been wanting to chane mine up but haven't come up with any good ideas.


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